Undomesticated crafters are us!!

The crafting diary of a happy creative undomesticated knitter, stitcher, cardmaker, embroiderer, wife, mother,aunt, carer.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Too Much Stash!!!!

I have been so busy lately that the house is becoming like a teenagers bedroom. No room for anything and so much needs to be put away. Most of it craft stuff
Hubby has been very nice and cleared a large space for me to put one of my stashes in the shed. It was tough choice but I finally decided to put the yarn in there. I am in the middle of sorting it out and have to admit that I do have too much yarn and definitely do not need any more. Checking pulse.... not been struck down....! It does seem almost sacreligous to say that but it is true. I am putting each yarn I have into seperate bags/boxes which works well in theory, but, I filled a box with my aran and then found more balls which just managed to go in the 18litre box then found a few more which won't go in the box I have for it, so I need to buy a bigger box. A non knitter will find it unbelieveable the amount of yarn I have but I'm sure the knitters out there will understand. One good thing about sorting it out is that I am cataloging it as I pack it away . At least then in theory I can just look through the notebook and choose the yarn for my next project. That's the theory at least.


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